HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a type of virus that spreads throughout the body and destroys the immune system of a person. The later stage of an HIV infection is known as AIDS wherein the body could not fight anymore the virus that infects it. To date, there are about 36 million people around the world who are living with the disease, and there is no known cure to HIV and AIDS. The only weapon that people can have against this virus is the knowledge and awareness about this disease and how to avoid acquiring it. We have compiled a short list of the misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.
HIV Can Be Transmitted By Kissing
While it is true that HIV is spread through bodily fluids, it is not always true that it can be passed on from one person to the other through saliva and kissing. HIV is usually transmitted when the blood of an HIV-positive person enters the bloodstream of a person who does not have the virus, and saliva is not included in the body fluids that carry the virus. However, kissing can sometimes be the cause of HIV transmission especially when one person involved has an open wound in the mouth and the blood enters through the other person’s bloodstream through a sore.
HIV Affects Only Certain Types of People
Another common misconception about HIV is that it only affects a certain demographic. Others believe that people who only engage in certain activities will get infected with the deadly virus. While the risk of being infected is higher for people who engage in activities like unprotected sex and sharing of needles, there is no guarantee that people who don’t engage in these kinds of activities will not get the virus.
You Can Get HIV By Sharing Utensils Used By An Infected Person
This may be one of the most common misconceptions about HIV. Again, we will tell you that you HIV is not transmitted through passing saliva. The virus can be passed on to others through passing bodily fluids such as blood, semen, and others. So, it’s safe to share utensils with people who are infected with the virus.
HIV is a very dangerous virus that has not been cured up to these days. Equipping yourself with the proper information is vital to avoid contracting the virus. It is now easier to get information about the virus nowadays compared to what it was 30 years ago, and more people are getting aware of the virus in their bodies thanks to modern awareness efforts about the disease.

Kim is a nerd who loves to discover all of the interesting things on the internet. When she is not surfing the web, you can find her binging on her favorite Netflix TV shows.